About Us:

Who we are:


Mike Sparkman and Donna Abner-Sparkman are Snowbike Instructors at Purgatory Resort.

Over the last 7 years we've personally trained hundreds of people out on the snow, helping them have

the ski experience they desire. Men and women, young and old, we've seen it all.


Donna snowbike instructor at DMRMike Snowbike instructor at Purgatory


Our Story:


Mike could ski a little, Donna could not ski at all. We were visiting Purgatory Resort with family and friends. Mike was up on the mountain enjoying the great views and having fun, Donna was stuck down in the lodge because she could not ski. While Donna was at the bottom she discovered the Snowbike® Experience. She took a lesson and had a great time. It really was easy to learn and fun to ride. By the end of the day she was with Mike and her friends enjoying the mountain and creating life long memories. Here is Donna's story in her own words. Donna's Story


What We Want:


Now we want to share the Snowbike Experience with you. Its easy and fun. In no time at all you can be

at the top of the mountain having a great time with your family and friends.

That's what we want for you and we know it's what you want for yourself.

Let Donna "The Snowbike Lady" and "Snowbike" Mike show you how to have more fun on your ski

vacation. Come ride with us at Purgatory Resort.


Fun Quote:

Nothing compares to the simple pleasure of a bike ride" --JFK

A New Winter Adventure.
Easy to Learn.
Fun to Ride.


The Snowbike Experience
At Purgatory Resort
